Our highly skilled and committed colleagues are real guarantee for delivering quality software.
We are hiring. Join us today!
We are obsessed with the latest technologies not only in software development but also in project management, version control and working group support.
With our creative, talented and committed team, and by using our broad knowledge of the industry trends we provide customized solutions to fully accommodate the needs of our clients.
We believe that business processes can work together and human beings are not born for boring manual tasks. Our products are providing the toolkit. We have enterprise flagship solutions in integrated communication and automated insurance services and many more.
A well proven customer communication system that can use multiple channels from email to regular letters to cover all your communication needs.
More info at Hammy3.comMOBY
Everything your business needs to have a future-proof insurance service where your task is only to invent your new products.
More info at Moby-insure.comIf you’re interested in our company, we’re constantly accepting your application by e-mail, regardless of the currently available job offers. We accept applications with a resume and a motivational introduction by e-mail to jobs@dbx.hu
08.04.2022. 11AM | Porosz Péter
Mr. Sándor Székely, managing director of DBX used imaginary from Middle Earth (i.e. The Lord Of The Rings universe) at the Portfolio Insurance 2022 conference, to shed light on the future of the insurance industry.
18.11.2021. 4PM | Porosz Péter
The Association of Hungarian Insurance Companies held its 11th annual international conference on November 4th 2021 in Budapest. The leading theme of the event was Future-Proof Insurance. Speakers shed light onto some of the most intriguing trends in this domain. DBX is a long standing parner of the Associations and also the largest local IT knowledge center in the field. CEO Sándor Székely Sándor talked about The Good, the Bad and the Ugly among the IT trends that the industry has to cope with.
10.06.2021. 10AM | Porosz Péter
What experiences have business professional gathered when they found themselves in a customer role? Is customer service truly the in center of the insurance practice? Are the boundaires of digital and personal meetings really clear? What is the scope of competence of artifical intelligence? Is there such a thing as insurance without human contact?
On May 19th we have held a roundtable with more than 100 people attending in the audience, titled "Remaining Personal During Digitalisation".